Buying a Used Dragon
Most wooden Dragons in North America are from the 50s and 60s. Some are big projects, requiring extensive structural work and the expertise of an experienced boatwright or shipwright to do the work. Others are in decent condition, and someone with some carpentry experience can make basic repairs and cosmetic fixes. There are also some beautifully restored wooden Dragons available from time to time.
Fiberglass Dragons were manufactured in North American in the 70s and 80s and most are still active in fleet racing. You can import new or used Dragons from Europe, where there is a good second hand market, especially in the UK, as well as in The Netherlands and Germany. Shipping costs vary between $3000 and $6000 to either the east coast or the west coast, and there is state/provincial sales tax and federal duty. Make sure you get a separate sales receipt for the boat and the trailer since they have different tax and duty (one is a boat and one is a vehicle). Most used Dragons from Europe are sold with a double-axle trailer and several sets of sails.
You should arrange to inspect the Dragon in person, or, if that’s not possible, have someone you trust do it. It’s also wise to get a marine surveyor to examine the boat. Besides checking the hull, sails, trailer and the standing rigging, it is worthwhile getting the keel bolts checked – depending on what materials used, there is sometimes corrosion.
If you are doing repairs or restoration, or just updating the rigging, remember to get a copy of the Class Rules and Plans from the IDA to make sure your Dragon is still a Dragon when you are finished any repairs or rigging changes! Your best assurance that your boat is a Dragon, new or old, is a Builders’ Measurement Certificate; ask for it when you are considering a purchase.
Think it’s too complex to import a Dragon? Contact us for information on importing a Dragon to the US or Canada.
Fiberglass Dragons For Sale
(Sorted newest to oldest)
- CAN148 Ayrborn 22012 Petticrow’s V5 Dragon – Current Pacific Northwest Champion – $39,500 CDN Vancouver BC
- CAN130 Jumala1980 Godsil/Miller. She won lots of races in the 90’s and early 2000’s including the Duke of Edinburgh (Canadian Championship) multiple times. Asking $10,000 CDN or best offer. Vancouver BC
- CAN144 Bamboo ManA 1993 model built in Hong Kong by renowned Dragon builder Lowell Chang. Named “Bamboo Man” she was an award winning boat and is mentioned in the 75th Dragon anniversary hard back book. In 2003 she was shipped to Vancouver and sailed and raced locally until 2016. $19,900 CDN Vancouver BC
- CAN133 Lorelei1973 Borresen, in excellent condition, two sets of sails, double-axle trailer, 6HP Suzuki Four Stroke. Price is $15,000 CDN – Vancouver BC
Wooden Dragons For Sale
(Sorted newest to oldest)
- USA161 Mistral1956 Walsteds (Danish). Stored inside. Free to someone willing to restore her. No trailer. Milwaukee WI.
- USA240/CAN116 Pip1968 Savell (the last wooden Dragon built by Kelvin Savell of San Diego – he took a mold from her to start making fibreglass Dragons). Needs significant work. $2,600 CDN OBO. Toronto ON.
- USA40 Troll of TrondheimOwn a piece of history – one of the first Dragons shipped to Seattle, Troll is a 1953 Kolbjornsvik with a restored hull. Complete the rigging the way you want. Trailer plus lots of extras. She was raced competitively in the 50s and 60s. Currently stored inside in Montana.
- CAN18 George1948 Anders-Gjeruldsens CDN $6500 Oakville ON
- USA210 Mariah1963 Savell – Billings MT – project boat plus homemade trailer – stored inside, some seams open, deck needs work
- USA11 Arrow1951 Roland – Spokane WA – restored in 2006 and carefully kept up to date
- CAN98 Viking1957 Børresen – Toronto ON – CAD$18,500 – Restored in 2012, kept under cover, indoors since then. Petticrows mast, double axle trailer, multiple sets of sails.
- CAN92 Lynx1961 Van de Stadt – Toronto ON – CAD$2,500
Dragons For Sale outside North America
British Dragon Association
German Dragon Association
PCT Premier Dragon